228 research outputs found


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    This article aims to look at Russia’s national interest that have been obtained from military operations to Ukraine in 2022. Russia’s attack on Ukraine in one of the actions based on protecting Russia’s national interest from threats posed by Ukraine. The national interest in Russia’s struggle through military action resulted in the fall of cities in Ukraine to Russia. This article uses the theory of national interest which refers to realism thinking. This research method is explanatory and uses literature studies in collecting data including theses, journals, books, and also article. From this research it can be concluded that Russia has a basis in military operations against Ukraine. The basis is Russia’s national interest which consist of economic, social and security aspects

    Higher-Order Finite Difference Scheme With TVD Filter Algorithm. Part 1: Simulations of Scalar Advective Dominant Problems.

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    Abstract Engquist et al. (1989) proposed non-linear TVD filters. When combined with a traditional higher-order finite difference scheme, these filters can simulate shock or high concentration gradient problems with no spurious oscillations. Among the filter proposed is the filter algorithm 2.2. However, this algorithm flattens extrema that are not the results of overshooting and consequency the scheme reduces to a low order of accuracy locally around smooth extrema. Modification of the TVD filter algorithm 2.2 has been proposed in this paper to overcome this problem. Several conservative finite difference schemes are considered for testing the TVD filter.  Non-conservative schemes consisting of 4th and 6th -order Runge-Kutta method are also evaluated. The modified filter has been tested to simulate seven test cases, including a pure advection of scalar profiles, a pure advection with variable velocity, two inviscid burger equations, an advection-diffusion equation with variable velocity and dispersion, advection of three solid bodies in rotating fluid around a square of a side length of 2, and a two-dimensional advection-diffusion equation. The numerical experiments showed that applying the modified TVD filter, combined with the higher-order non-TVD finite difference schemes for solving the advection equation, can produce accurate solutions with no oscillations and no clipping effect extrema. Keywords : Non-Oscillatory schemes, TVD filter, advection, higher-order accurate Abstrak Engquist dkk. (1989) mengusulkan filter TVD non-linear. Ketika dikombinasikan dengan skema beda hingga orde tinggi tradisional, filter ini dapat mensimulasikan kejutan atau masalah gradien konsentrasi tinggi tanpa osilasi palsu. Di antara filter yang diusulkan adalah algoritma filter 2.2. Namun, algoritma ini meratakan ekstrem yang bukan merupakan hasil dari “overshooting” dan konsekuensinya skema tersebut direduksi ke tingkat akurasi yang rendah secara lokal di sekitar ekstrem halus. Modifikasi algoritma filter TVD 2.2 telah diusulkan dalam makalah ini untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Beberapa skema konservatif dipertimbangkan untuk menguji filter TVD. Skema non-konservatif metode Runge-Kutta orde ke-4 dan ke-6 juga dievaluasi. Filter yang dimodifikasi diuji untuk mensimulasikan tujuh kasus, termasuk adveksi murni profil skalar, adveksi murni dengan kecepatan bervariasi, dua persamaan burger inviscid, persamaan adveksi-difusi dengan kecepatan bervariasi dan dispersi, adveksi tiga benda padat berputar oleh aliran di bidang persegi dengan panjang sisi 2, dan persamaan adveksi-difusi dua dimensi. Eksperimen numerik menunjukkan bahwa penerapan filter TVD yang dimodifikasi, dikombinasikan dengan skema beda hingga non-TVD orde tinggi untuk menyelesaikan persamaan adveksi, dapat menghasilkan solusi yang akurat tanpa osilasi dan tanpa efek kliping Kata Kunci : skema tanpa osilasi, Filter TVD, advection, orde-akurasi tingg

    Prediksi Perubahan Penutupan Lahan Pasca Beroperasinya Gerbang Tol (Interchange) Pandaan di Kecamatan Pandaan Kabupaten Pasuruan Menggunakan Metode Regresi Logistik Biner

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    Pembangunan infrastruktur transportasi akan berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan lahan. Pembangunan Gerbang Tol pada Kecamatan Pandaan bertujuan untuk memicu perkembangan wilayah disekitarnya. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengkaji kemungkinan perubahan tutupan lahan di sekitar Gerbang TOL Interchange Pandaan di Kecamatan Pandaan, Kabupaten Pasuruan. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan untuk pemerintah Kabupaten Pasuruan dalam mengevaluasi kebijakan dan pertimbangan rencana pemanfaatan lahan, sebagaimana yang terdapat pada rencana tata ruang. Penentuan potensi perubahan tutupan lahan yang dilakukan secara keseluruhan meliputi tiga teknik analisis. Pertama teknik analisis statistik uji KMO dan regresi logistik bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi variabel penentu perubahan penutupan lahan. Kedua, teknik analisa regresi logistik untuk menghasilkan model matematis perubahan tutupan lahan dan ketiga, teknik analisis spasial digunakan untuk melakukan mengkonversi model matematis perubahan tutupan lahan di Kecamatan Pandaan, Kabupaten Pasuruan. Proses validasi dilakukan dengan menghitung nilai ketepataan model melalui 2 (dua) alternatif, pehitungnan confusion matrix dan perhitungan root mean square error (RMSE). Setiap tahapan penelitian menghasilkan luaran yang saling berkaitan. Terdapat 10 variabel penentu perubahan tutupan lahan yang dihasilkan dari teknik analisis regresi logistik. Tinggi rendahnya kemungkinan perubahan tutupan lahan ditentukan oleh jarak dari variabel-variabel tersebut. Hasil perumusan model spasial perubahan tutupan lahan menunjukan bahwa probabilitas perubahan lahan di Kecamatan Pandaan sebesar 0,00000072289 sampai dengan 0,986763

    Optimal control mathematical model of Zika Virus

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    This study aims to describe the transmission of the Zika virus a mathematical model that was introduced by Ding, Tao, and Zhu (2016). Based on the analysis, obtained a disease-free equilibrium point, then the stability is seen from the basic reproduction number. The basic reproduction numbers show supporting factors and inhibitors of transmission of Zika virus. Then looking for optimal control, the principle is to control transmission of the Zika virus through reducing interactions between mosquitoes and humans, transmission from infected mosquitoes to susceptible humans, and estimates of mosquito deaths by being given insecticides. With the optimal control solution obtained, it produces a strategy to prevent and control the Zika virus and does not incur expensive costs.©2020 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved

    Optimal control mathematical model of Zika Virus

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    This study aims to describe the transmission of the Zika virus a mathematical model that was introduced by Ding, Tao, and Zhu (2016). Based on the analysis, obtained a disease-free equilibrium point, then the stability is seen from the basic reproduction number. The basic reproduction numbers show supporting factors and inhibitors of transmission of Zika virus. Then looking for optimal control, the principle is to control transmission of the Zika virus through reducing interactions between mosquitoes and humans, transmission from infected mosquitoes to susceptible humans, and estimates of mosquito deaths by being given insecticides. With the optimal control solution obtained, it produces a strategy to prevent and control the Zika virus and does not incur expensive costs.©2020 JNSMR UIN Walisongo. All rights reserved


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    Pembangunan Underpass Gresik dirasakan sudah sangat mendesak. Pembangunan Underpass Gresik tersebut untuk mempersingkat jarak dan waktu tempuh dari sisi Barat ke Timur Jl. Dr. Wahidin S. Gresik atau sebaliknya. Dalam masa pembagunan Underpass dan setelahnya dibutuhkan kajian lalu lintas agar tidak menggangu kinerja Simpang Dr. Wahidin S. Hal ini mengingat Jl. Dr. Wahidin S. adalah jalan nasional yang menampung kendaraan dari beberapa jalan yang terkait diantaranya adalah Jl. Sumatera, Jl. Raya Gresik – Babat, Jl. Mayjen. Sungkono, Jl. Raya Kembangan Asri, dan Jl. Raya Gresik – Lamongan. Jadi permasalahan dalam makalah ini adalah memprediksi kinerja simpang selama pembangunan Underpass dan setelah Underpass pasca operasional.Pengukuran kinerja simpang GKB Gresik bersinyal yang berdasarkan MKJI 1997. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah melakukan survey lalu lintas selama 24 jam 7 hari berturut-turut. Setelah mendapatkan volume lalu lintas tiap jamnya, maka akan dihitung kinerja simpang pada kondisi sebelum dibangun. Setelah itu baru memperkirakan perpindahan arus lalu lintas selama pembangunan dan setelah Underpass beroperasi. Dari hasil perhitungan tersebut akan tampak hingga tahun berapa Underpass mampu membantu menurunkan derajat kejenuhan Simpang bersinyal GKB Kebomas tersebut. Sehingga solusi permasalahan dari penelitian ini dapat terungkap

    Analisis Potensi Perubahan Pemanfaatan Lahan Berdasarkan Model Spasial Harga Lahan di Kecamatan Tembelang Kabupaten Jombang

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    Pembangunan interchange gerbang TOL Jombang di Kecamatan Tembelang menyebabkan harga lahan meningkat dan muncul indikasi perubahan pemanfaatan lahan. Untuk itu, pemerintah perlu mengantisipasi perubahan pemanfaatan lahan yang tidak sesuai dengan peruntukannya sebagaimana yang terdapat pada rencana tata ruang. Penentuan potensi perubahan pemanfaatan lahan dilakukan berdasarkan pada model spasial harga lahan yang secara keseluruhan meliputi tiga teknik analisis.(1) Teknik analisis Delphi bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi faktor penentu harga lahan, (2) analisis regresi spasial digunakan untuk melakukan pemodelan spasial harga lahan, dan (3) analisis Query Builder menghasilkan peta potensi perubahan pemanfaatanlahan di Kecamatan Tembelang. Tiap tahapan penelitian menghasilkan luaran yang saling berkaitan. Terdapat 15 faktor penentu harga lahan yang telah konsensus dari teknik analisis Delphi dalam dua tahap iterasi. Adapun model spasial harga lahan dihasilkan dari model matematis memiliki konstanta 796.763,84565. Faktor yang berpengaruh positif dalam model tersebut yaitu jalur angkutan umum, daerah rawan banjir, fasilitas perdagangan dan jasa, jalan lingkungan, dan rencana jaringan jalan. Faktor yang berpengaruh negatif yakni fasilitas kesehatan, fasilitas pendidikan, fasilitas peribadatan, fasilitas perkantoran, jalan kolektor, kawasan permukiman, rencana kawasan industri, rencana kawasan permukiman, sungai, dan interchange gerbang TOL. Model spasial menunjukkan mayoritasharga lahan tinggi terdapat di sekitar interchange gerbang TOL dan semakin rendah di wilayah perbatasan Kecamatan Tembelang. Luas lahan di Kecamatan Tembelang menurut potensi perubahan pemanfaatannya dari lahan tidak terbangun ke lahan terbangun yang dibagi menjadi kategori tinggi, sedang, dan rendah secara berturut-turut yaitu 571,29 Ha (17%), 788,68 Ha (23%), dan 2.088,44 Ha (61%)

    Efficient Auxiliary Information Based Exponentially Weighted Moving Coefficient of Variation Control Chart using Hybrid Estimator : An Application to Monitor NPK Fertilizer

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    In this era, manufacturing sectors should ensure the quality of their production process and products. They must reduce the variability that occurs in their operation. Coefficient variation control charts have become important statistical Process Control (SPC) tools for monitoring processes when the process mean linear function with the standard deviation. In recent years, auxiliary information-based-CV control charts using memory type structure have been investigated to enhance the sensitivity of control charts. Auxiliary information is selected when the variable remains stable during the monitoring period. Nevertheless, the AIB statistic is constructed based on lognormal transformation, and no research investigated the memory type CV chart using estimator of AIB-CV from the combination of ratio and regression form called hybrid form. This research proposes a hybrid auxiliary information-based exponentially weighted moving coefficient of variation (Hybrid AIB-EWMCV) control chart for detecting small to moderate shifts in the CV process. The Average Run Length (ARL) simulation shows that increasing the level of correlation and sample sizes enhances the detection ability of the control chart. Also, the proposed chart performs well than existing chart. A real dataset from fertilizer manufacturing is implemented to explain the condition of the process by using a Hybrid AIB-EWMCV control chart


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    This study aims to analyze the role of halal product knowledge and religiosity in purchasing decisions for halal label products through awareness of halal labels. The population in this study were consumers who often consume halal food and beverage products in Kabupaten Semarang. The type of data collection method used was purposive sampling, then the questionnaire was distributed to 100 respondents who consumed halal foods and drinks. Based on the results of the data analysis studied, it can be concluded that halal product knowledge and religiosity had a significant positive effect on halal label awareness and purchase decisions of halal products, and awareness of halal labels also had a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions for halal products. Meanwhile, the halal label awareness variable was able to mediate between knowledge of halal products and religiosity on purchasing decisions for halal products

    Nilai-nilai Sosial Pendidikan Tradisi Mantu Bubak dalam Pernikahan Adat Jawa di Desa Gunungan

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    Mantu Bubak in Javanese traditional marriage is one of the traditions that has been preserved from generation to generation in Gunungan Village, Kartoharjo District, Magetan Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the social values of education in the Mantu Bubak tradition in Javanese traditional marriages in Gunungan Village. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative methods are social research steps to obtain descriptive data in the form of words and pictures. This research was conducted using descriptive research methods in the people of Gunungan Village. From the research conducted, the results obtained are as follows: (1). There is a value of mutual cooperation in the Mantu Bubak tradition in Javanese traditional weddings in Gunungan Village, (2). There is a religious value in the Mantu Bubak tradition in Javanese traditional weddings in Gunungan Villag
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